
Should You Deadhead Your Clematis?

Should You Deadhead Your Clematis? Deadheading, the practice of removing spent flowers from plants, is a common gardening technique that is often debated in the context of clematis. Clematis, known for its exquisite blooms, can benefit from deadheading in some cases, but the decision to do so depends on various

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Clematis Wilt

Clematis Wilt Clematis wilt is a fungal disease that affects clematis vines, causing sudden wilting and browning of the foliage. This disease is primarily caused by the soilborne fungus, Phoma clematidina. Clematis, a popular and beautiful flowering vine, is susceptible to this pathogen, and if left unchecked, clematis wilt can

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Improve Your Flower Display

Potassium fertilizer plays a crucial role in enhancing plant growth and development. Potassium is one of the three essential nutrients required by plants, alongside nitrogen and phosphorus. It is involved in various physiological processes that contribute to overall plant health. At the nursery we use liquid potash which is simply

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